Moving forward since 2016

Tibs Parise, a professional skateboarder, traveled the world, gaining exposure through various media outlets before deciding to move to San Diego, California in 2013. He obtained a professional athlete visa to pursue his dream of competing alongside top riders in the United States.During his time in the U.S., Tibs discovered a lack of readily available French green clay products, which he had relied on for pain relief throughout his athletic career. Recognizing the clay's potential to help fellow athletes, Tibs embarked on a mission to introduce this "miracle green clay" to the American market.By late 2015, Clayer was established to offer an exceptional natural alternative: French green clay products designed to enhance active lifestyles. The brand officially launched in January 2016, following overwhelmingly positive feedback from athletes and friends. Today, Clayer products are proudly available worldwide.'


Clayer's Objectives:
Our primary goal is to raise awareness about the benefits of French green clay and provide high-quality, natural remedies to athletes and individuals seeking effective recovery solutions. Over the years, Tibs has welcomed partners who share his vision of creating healthy, sustainable products that help people recover and feel better.At Clayer, we believe that being a brand means having the responsibility to offer the best products for consumers, the planet, and future generations. Our focus is not on outperforming competitors but on making a positive impact and helping others. We are committed to providing the finest natural remedies available, sourcing our green clay responsibly and working with professionals who share our mission.We collaborate with suppliers, athletes, partners, and employees who are dedicated to leaving a positive mark on the world. Every day, Clayer strives to do what's best for our customers, the environment, and future generations, ensuring that our products meet the highest standards of quality and sustainability. 

- 100% Natural products, without chemicals and made in USA

- Formula tested and approved for centuries

- Professional athletes including world champions are using and recommending Clayer

- Eco-Friendly packaging made with recycled and recyclable plastic

- Healthy and harmless ingredients for you, the environment and the future generations

best healing clay